The Country Grocer de Ottawa

CanadaThe Country Grocer



🕗 horaire

729 Ridgewood Ave, Ottawa, ON K1V 6M8, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-731-6883
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3684781, Longitude: -75.688402

commentaires 5

  • en

    Amelia Runchey


    Due to a where we live and not owning a car, my partner and I have gotten our groceries delivered from them several times. We were mostly happy with them - pleasant service, always showed up on time. However, we would always receive items that were just about to expire. While this didn't present a huge problem to us, it meant that we had to change meal plans. Our most recent order, however, had several items that were well passed their due date, such as spoiled and green packaged meat, and moldy bread. We will not be ordering from them in the future.

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    Andrew H


    Clean store, decent selection for the size, often has great sales. Staff are friendly and store is often quiet, never have to wait in long lines.

  • Alexei Gherman

    Alexei Gherman


    Great spot if you’re in a rush, carries the basics but doesn’t have a huge variety of items. The parking is free and it’s conveniently located on Riverside Drive across from Mooneys Bay.

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    Andy Ruta


    Excellent staff. Very obliging. Great produce. Lots of free parking.

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    Hugh Howie


    Great hours, friendly staff, and free parking. Prices are more than your typical store but you pay for convenience...

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