Loco's Grill & Lounge de Calgary

CanadaLoco's Grill & Lounge



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526, 4 Avenue Southwest, T2P 0J6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-246-2002
site web: pocolocopizza.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0498916, Longitude: -114.0728531

commentaires 5

  • Adela Saxe

    Adela Saxe


    Reminds me of El Pollo Loco in Las Vegas!

  • Adam Broniewski

    Adam Broniewski


    Busy at lunch (order pizza with drinks if possible for faster service). They serve pizza by the slice to go next door as well. Got the four amigos pizza. Crust - very nice. I liked the thickness of it and had a good crispiness. No sogginess at all. Sauce - good volume of sauce. There was some "extra" sauce in the mix. Very nicely seasoned. Cheese - had a nice pull to it. Standard mozzarella, no particularly standout flavour in the cheese Toppings - superb. Perfect amount of meat without being overwhelming or piled on. All around well balanced pizza. Crust and sauce play well together, but it didn't stand out as exceptional or unique.

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    desiree doell


    Absolutely terrible! Both my boyfriend and i got so sick from the food. Lady does not know how to cook, good drinks terrible food. Do NOT suggest to anyone!

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    Lance Wells


    Well I’m sure surprised, I walk in and the bar was dead, no one drinking on st Patrick’s day. And also the bar had a bunch of fruit flies around it, and also the waitress working the bar was I’m sure trying to hit on a customer and wouldn’t even acknowledge a smile or hi, rude.

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    Nathan Goobie


    A fair 6.1 out of 10. The pizza was good, just would not say it was great. The thin crust is not very thin. They put the cheese on last instead of first which is a bold move. Fresh toppings. It is definitely heavier than lighter with the cheese.

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