Fritou Chicken Downtown de Calgary

CanadaFritou Chicken Downtown



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1001, 1 Street Southwest, T2R 0T8, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-455-5404
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.043275, Longitude: -114.065833

commentaires 5

  • Jesse Corzato

    Jesse Corzato


    I first tried them when I was looking for fried chicken late at night and everywhere else was closed. Good food, friendly service, great hours.

  • Wynneth



    I was looking for a place for a quick bite to eat when I rounded the corner and saw Fritou. I've passed by many times wondering what the food's like. I was going to order the 2 piece with coleslaw and fries and asked the man behind the counter to leave out the coleslaw. He, kindly recommended, the snack pack with 2 pieces, fries and a drink instead. I went with his suggestion and saved $2! I didn't have to wait long for my order to be ready. The batter on the chicken was nice and crispy and well seasoned. The chicken was juicy and not dry at all. However, I didn't like the fries.

  • Bakri Sharif

    Bakri Sharif


    Great place with great service and food! Highly recommend to any locals or tourist passing by.

  • Dariusz M. D.

    Dariusz M. D.


    The owner is the nicest guy. Very reasonably priced menu. However, no variety. Overall, I would recommend it.

  • Mitch Hoschka

    Mitch Hoschka


    Food is good and fresh.... Have ordered large popcorn chicken from other locations and received a good portion. This location charges over $11 for the small popcorn chicken at the other locations claiming that it is the large... When called back to ask about the error in the order, I was told that this is their large, when it is most certainly not... Complete rip off for 10 small pieces of chicken

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