Tao's Pizza & Steak House de Calgary

CanadaTao's Pizza & Steak House



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915, 6 Avenue Southwest, T2P 0V7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-290-0028
site web: www.taospizzaandsteakhouse.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.047774, Longitude: -114.081779

commentaires 5

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    Chris Schneider


    Pizza is ridiculously good if you take it with you ...the interior is way dated, the customers that visit this place ....well I'll just say, less than desirable...do a good reno, hire some younger staff and business will be better....until then, I will not go here, atmosphere is a -1 star, food is very good...depends what you are looking for I guess

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    Brian Langlois


    if you like over cooked, burnt crust pizza, then Tao's is the place for you. Worst pizza ever. Such a disappointment and no one cares. Do yourself a favour and get a Michael's pizza.

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    Millicent Aubichon


    Worst service ever I highly recommend not going there. Food was overpriced. Servers there beg for tips

  • Christien Stone

    Christien Stone


    Good food, nice staff, nice atmosphere.

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    Derrick C.


    The pizza itself is good, the way they cook the the cheese on top is really good and comes out super crispy. Only complaint is the pizzas are on the small side and a bit pricey. Restaurant itself is very dated, can use some significant upgrading.

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