Little Island Comics de Toronto

CanadaLittle Island Comics



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323, College Street, M5T 1S2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-533-9168
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.657404, Longitude: -79.402151

commentaires 5

  • Andrew Woodrow-Butcher

    Andrew Woodrow-Butcher


    The best (and only) kids comic book shop in the world!

  • en

    sean morrison


    The female that works there does not have a clue or interest in being there. She does not know the price of things and does not have a clue on what's for sale. I asked about a Pokemon bag for my daughter, she said it wasn't for sale, but the owner told me a week later that it is for sale. What saves this place is the huge selection of discounted.comics located upstairs.

  • Bryson Winchester

    Bryson Winchester


    Good selection but staff was less than helpful. Ignorant would probably be the right word. I walked in looking for something specific, but the female staff was too busy talking about the graphic design she was working on (at that very moment from what I could tell) and the male staff was talking about how his girlfriend just went through some design process that was on spec and denied. Sad to hear, but also annoying while I stand there expecting one of the two to recognize that a CUSTOMER was there waiting to be talked to. I could have interrupted them, but that would have been just as rude as they were being to me. Nevermind going there again, which is sad as I want to get my 4 year old into comics, but not there.

  • Christopher Held

    Christopher Held


    Good little Comic-Book store made for the kiddies. I liked it

  • nick knickle

    nick knickle


    lol this is funny but when I saw the place outside I thought it looked like a comic book store but it was actually a store for kids! they sell a lot of superhero and other things as children books! they have a few grown up comics for a dollar or two! but they don't have much comic books! they have a pretty good selection of mangas! I only recommend this store if u are a little kid or if u like $1 to $2 comic book small collection and if u are into manga then its kind of worth it!

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