Kid Icarus de Toronto

CanadaKid Icarus



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205, Augusta Avenue, M5T 2L4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-977-7236
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6539374, Longitude: -79.4016265

commentaires 5

  • Nicole Rae

    Nicole Rae


    My dog and I love coming in here!

  • en

    Gaven Zhang


    Fantastic selections of cool prints and pins. We bought some cute easter themed accessories. Perfect place to go for picking gifts

  • Jessica Wu

    Jessica Wu


    If I could afford all this stuff, I would. Super cute and quirky stationary and house items!

  • Jules Phillips

    Jules Phillips


    I just took the Screen Printing 101 Workshop and I'm so glad I did. Mike is a fantastic teacher. After the 4-hour hands-on class, I feel ready to construct my own screen printing set up and start practicing on my own, which is just what I was hoping for. Also, their cards and other products are beautiful and unique. I highly recommend Kid Icarus.

  • Sabrina Paez-Parent

    Sabrina Paez-Parent


    I always buy a poster or print when I come in here because they have new stuff! Staff is so nice and friendly! Just make sure the cat doesn't slip into the store when you enter. Apparently it's hard to get him out once he sneaks his way in!

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