Seekers Books de Toronto

CanadaSeekers Books



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509, Bloor Street West, M5S 1Y2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-925-1982
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6655969, Longitude: -79.4084148

commentaires 5

  • Daniel Giverin

    Daniel Giverin


    Love this bookstore. A gem. Has all the best qualities of a used bookstore. Head and shoulders above "Heather's Picks" Indigo. And the staff is uber knowledgable.

  • Carina Mousseau

    Carina Mousseau


    Another one of Toronto's hidden gems. Friendly staff and great selection of books in a basement downtown. You would walk right past it without noticing so you really have to look for the sign. Awesome prices!!

  • Samantha Loaiza

    Samantha Loaiza


    A hidden pearl! Such a great selection and staff. They always have free books (classics!!) by the door and close late. Super recommended if you want to save.

  • Julia



    Friendly, knowledgeable, and very helpful staff that make you feel very welcome from the moment you walk in. Great place to find tonnes of gently used books at excellent prices. Lots of new age books to choose from among other genres. Churchill the cat was a nice addition to the calm, quiet atmosphere. Highly recommend checking this place out!

  • Meredith Smallwood

    Meredith Smallwood


    Seekers is wonderful! A distinguishing feature is their collection of books on the occult, spirituality, Wiccanism, etc. However, they also have pretty much any other genre you could want, with plenty of unique finds mixed in with the standard fare of the average bookstore. The prices are very reasonable. The atmosphere is pleasant and anytime I go to quickly pick up a book I inevitably spend at least 45 mins perusing.The owners really are very sweet and interesting to talk to. Perhaps most importantly, though, a distinguished neighbourhood cat has of late decided to grace Seekers with his presence. They've named him Churchill and he rules (literally and figuratively)

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