Jason's No Frills de Vancouver

CanadaJason's No Frills



🕗 horaire

2083 Alma St, 130, Vancouver, BC V6R 4N6, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 866-987-6453
site web: www.nofrills.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2679772, Longitude: -123.1864529

commentaires 5

  • Kaelan Burke

    Kaelan Burke


    Good selection. But a little small and harder to work your way around than other stores.

  • en

    jhon dx


    It says the opening for sunday is 8:00 am but were here since 8:15 and at this time is 8:40 its not open yet!!!! Theres no sign that the store is closed for sunday so werethinking it will open by 8:20 but its not!!!! Better be on time on your schedulessssss!!!!

  • M_gianaco Instructor

    M_gianaco Instructor


    Small store with a good layout for me as the family grocery shopper. They have a good range of products to meet basic culinary and meal creation needs. Prices are excellent and produce is very good.




    It's the 2nd time that I buy something from them and when I get home I realize it is expired. Yes, they returned the money, but without even a simple apology for the inconvenience and lots of their fresh items are too close to expiry dates, cause they don't rotate the product properly...

  • Jack Judge

    Jack Judge


    Very limited selection, prices are variable, it's worth comparing with IGA a little further along 4th, by Vancouver standards it's not that bad A consistently miserable shopping experience

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