Safeway King Edward de Vancouver

CanadaSafeway King Edward



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990, West King Edward Avenue, V5Z 2E2, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-733-0073
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2486015, Longitude: -123.1265208

commentaires 5

  • J W

    J W


    Terrible staff at the hot food section. Always grumpy, or ignores the customers standing in front. Needs to improve customer service and hire people that actually looks like they don't hate their lives.

  • M Bhatti

    M Bhatti


    This supermarket is located at a major intersection next to a Shell gas station, who happens to have the same loyalty points program (airmiles) so it's.always a good idea to gas up first because they usually give you coupons for extra points when you shop for groceries. The Safeway itself is pretty nice, produce is always fresh and well stocked and service is ok. Ample parking available.

  • Instant Healer

    Instant Healer


    Easy and plenty parking. Lots of shops nearby, gas station too. Coffee and dining area inside are nice. Staff were very helpful.

  • Mary Kean

    Mary Kean


    This is my local Safeway that I visit at least once a week. The staff are great: helpful & friendly. It's not Whole Foods ( or "Whole Paycheque"!) in that the produce selection is not as exotic or vast. However, Safeway seems to be responding to the food security world and even has an organic "cart". I feel that the chain wd respond if we gave feedback for more organic food and for more cloth bags for sale or paper bags & not plastic.

  • Kurtis Hanlon

    Kurtis Hanlon


    Pretty decent selection of food. Produce and meat are a little lacking, but the layout is very clear and organized. The pharmacy seems to be quite acceptable. Fine for a standard family grocery trip.

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