Hillside Liquor Plus de Victoria

CanadaHillside Liquor Plus



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3201, Shelbourne Street, V8P 5G9, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-370-1143
site web: www.liquorplus.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4484471, Longitude: -123.3327243

commentaires 5

  • Clint Rose

    Clint Rose


    Good selection of wines. Good prices.

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    Brian Van Der Haegen


    Great selection knowledgeable staff. Cold beer and wine selection is great, with lots of local beers and tasty spirits.

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    Travis Taylor


    Hands down my favourite liquor store in Victoria. They have a HUGE selection and reasonable prices. The staff are usually pretty friendly too

  • Ange A

    Ange A


    This location has always had super employees. It was taken over by Liquor Plus run by partners Brett Large and Randy Wilson. There was a lot of talk about prices being better than 'Cold Beer & Wine' stores however I haven't seen that. The owners of the store before them had prices always equal to the BC Gov LIquor Stores & they were super. Employees from there stayed on & they were also always great ! Just another 'Cold Beer & Wine' store with their own sales, so if you want to pay more for convenience of location, this is your store ! :D NB I'm not sure of their store hours as after the previous owners I shopped during transition, then diff pricing & I stopped going. Previous owners were open til 11 pm open at 9 am & they were open every single day no matter the holiday. We were spoiled

  • Luc Hamel

    Luc Hamel


    Great place to get your locally brewed beers. I'm a Hoyne fan and this is where I go when I need a Dark Matter, Pilsner or Helios. They know their wines too so don't be afraid to ask for recommendations.

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