Harris Green Liquor Express de Victoria

CanadaHarris Green Liquor Express



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930, View Street, V8V 3L5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-361-1469
site web: www.liquorexpress.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4248404, Longitude: -123.3583623

commentaires 5

  • en

    Matthew Stark


    The staff are very customer service oriented helpful and very friendly.

  • aidan morrice

    aidan morrice


    Grungy, but convenient liquor store that's low on variety, but has all the staples.

  • Scott Ores

    Scott Ores


    A good place to go if you gotta get in and out fast.

  • en

    marc Bonwick


    Open until 11:00 pm. Best location in Victoria.

  • en

    Jacob Rempel


    I've tried very hard to like this place, but it has slowly slipped from bad to horrible. I had a complaint, so instead of complaining to the staff directly I asked for a contact to the manager. Email or phone number would have done perfect, I did not voice myself directly to the staff because I saw my issue as an on going one. The problem was the fridge was under stocked. The first words out of this fellows mouth (I believe hes Australian or from New Zealand) after I asked for the managers contact information was "What, are we in trouble?" So at this point I voiced my concern. I told him the fridge was and usually is under stocked. He and his fellow employee then refused to give me access to a managers email or phone number. To properly and formerly make my complaint, which I'll add in my mind was minor at the time. I mostly wanted to let management know their staff was slacking, as I have worked in many liquor stores. I told him I wasn't interested in buying anymore and went to the liquor store on Blanshard and Yates, which Ill add is a much better store, just two blocks away. Couple weeks later(tonight) I got over myself and this petty conversation I had with this one fellow.I went back to this store, I got my beer, and walked to the counter. The first thing he(same guy) said was "Oh our beer is good enough for you tonight." I replied with "I don't understand what you mean". He then back peddled, and tried to skip over what he said. I then again asked for a managers email. His response was "We don't give it out for this sort of thing." Which in my mind is even worse, if that is true.......

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