The Strath Liquor Store de Victoria

CanadaThe Strath Liquor Store



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919, Douglas Street, V8W 2C2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-370-9463
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4236434, Longitude: -123.365382

commentaires 5

  • en

    Barron De Guire


    Amazing plus they give a great complimentary industry discount!

  • Peter Locke

    Peter Locke


    I hope the decision makers do read these reviews and think about what they are saying, and educate or change staff accordingly. I know exactly why they are so polarized and it is because there is immediate judgement of all customers based on appearance. I've seen it every time I go in. If I'm in my business attire, I get great attention and service. I've I've just come from a workout and am in shabby gym gear, the staff's body language is extremely off-putting. As a member of the dram association and other local whisky clubs and a fan of what Adam is trying to do with building the local whisky scene, I really hope for improvement here. I do not currently like shopping here.

  • en

    Bren Traher


    Terrible service, staff was horrible and refused to help. The selection wasn't even good as they had very limited selection. Would not recommend this place at all.

  • Sergey Brusentsov

    Sergey Brusentsov


    Good selection of craft beer. They always have something solid to buy.

  • Yury Bychkov

    Yury Bychkov


    Largest selection of whisky in Victoria. Home of the Dram Association and the local branch of the Scotch Malt Whisky Society. If you love scotch - this is a place for you.

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