Crystal Car Wash de Ottawa

CanadaCrystal Car Wash



🕗 horaire

320 Queen, K1R 5A3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-232-8585
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4183624, Longitude: -75.7059042

commentaires 4

  • Marjorie Gorecki

    Marjorie Gorecki



  • Alain Vegiard

    Alain Vegiard


    This is for sure the best one in town. The employees actually know how to clean a vehicle. Super reasonable prices. I encourage everyone to visit them and you won't regret it.

  • John Francis

    John Francis


    I had 2 vehicles detailed here. One was quite dirty, dog hair, etc, and they did a great job. I had basic detailing and some shampooing of salt stains. Both cars left spotless inside and out, dash/consoles cleaned very thoroughly of coffee spills, dust, dog hair, etc. I was also pleased that both cars were ready on time for pickup. I will return every 6 months as both vehicles are leased and need to go back in good shape at the end.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    They did a great job on a very dirty car. Well worth the money spent.

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