Carling Volvo de Ottawa

CanadaCarling Volvo



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1622, Carling Avenue, K2A 1C5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-519-4046
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3798009, Longitude: -75.7471085

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Pierre Aubry


    Très bon service rapide et à l'heure. Prennent le temps de t'écouter et de résoudre les problèmes

  • en

    Erin Ievers


    Friendly helpful staff. Love working with them even 3 years into owning my Volvo.

  • en

    M Alves


    Brought vehicle in for a scheduled appointment for warranty work. I missed the shuttle due to inclement weather and asked for a ride to work. Was told I could wait for the next shuttle, which was in 90 minutes. My office is a 10 minute drive. Wasn't even offered a ride to Westboro transit station, which I walked to and then caught the bus. I wrote to the GM and after one week, I aim still awaiting a response. Volvo markets its vehicles as "luxury" but the service isn't even utilitarian. Nice vehicles but service is a huge part of the ownership experience and it is sorely lacking in Ottawa, where both dealerships are owned by the same group. I will go elsewhere for my next vehicle purchase.

  • Benny Lagueruela Arencibia

    Benny Lagueruela Arencibia


    Friendly and honest staff. Parts are cheaper than St Laurent Volvo

  • Joshua Wright

    Joshua Wright


    They are quick to repair. But you might wait a month for an appointment. They gave got communication during the process. There's usually 1or 2 extra things wrong that I couldn't detect prior to bringing it in, which makes me skeptical. But they ask before going ahead with it.

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