City Perks Coffeehouse de Saskatoon

CanadaCity Perks Coffeehouse



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801, 7 Avenue North, S7K 2V5, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-664-2060
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1395418, Longitude: -106.6524913

commentaires 5

  • en

    Melinda Penner


    A great coffee house!! I would recommend it to everyone! Our drinks were awesome and I'm particular about my coffee! We ordered off the brunch menu and again delicious! If you haven't been to City Perks Coffeehouse you need to go and become a regular because we really need this kind of coffee house! Thanks City Perks Coffeehouse!!

  • Greg Abramoff

    Greg Abramoff


    Really great coffee house! Warm and cozy atmosphere, cappuccino was well done, the oatmeal cookie I had was very good. Went there in the evening and the lights where well set and there was nice art on the wall. Will definitely go back.

  • Hafiz Waqar Zafar

    Hafiz Waqar Zafar


    Located conveniently on 7th Avenue North City Perks is close enough to the downtown area to be a walking distance from most of the Central Business district and far enough to be not in a crowded area. I liked the organic vibe and warm culture although I think the seats are too closely placed to accommodate more customers. Overall a nice place to hang out with friends.

  • Leif Shantz

    Leif Shantz


    This is a little hidden gem in the City Park neighbor!!!! I love their coffee and their treats are pretty irresistible!!!! It is cozy and warm.Service is fantastic and on time. Keep in mind the prices include tax which is nice, simple and straight forward pricing. However, the breakfast and lunch options are a little pricey. $12 for a grilled cheese sandwich. It can be a little crowded due to university students taking up whole tables and sitting there for hours at busy times. I think management should have 2 hr time limits. Otherwise, I come here every weekend for the coffee.

  • Francheska ruiz

    Francheska ruiz


    Great place to go for a cup of coffee and catch up with some friends or sit down and do some homework. Great atmosphere, love all the art on the walls and how beautifully it is decorated. I absolutely love their cinnamon buns, sometimes I just go there just for one of them. The staff is great at recommendations and overall just kind and welcoming. Would recommend checking it out !!

Café la plus proche

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