Louis' Loft de Saskatoon

CanadaLouis' Loft



🕗 horaire

93, Campus Drive, S7N 0W6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-966-6901
site web: ussu.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1300412, Longitude: -106.6351435

commentaires 5

  • en

    Laura Lee Giesbrecht


    Best place to get a coffee on campus by far! The baking, coffee and side soups are a great price for students. The food can be a bit pricey but not unreasonable. They have a great selection, and brew coffee from a local roaster.

  • Kris Webb

    Kris Webb


    The Loft has a different made from scratch soup everyday which is always fantastic and also serve 2 different homemade scones as well as a feature muffin each week. I try all of these as they are all made by my fiance, Erin Daniels, who is the sous chef at Louis below the loft. It's really awesome that students and faculty are able to get homemade soups and baking right on campus.

  • Hinzmana



    Really nice space and nice baristas. The only downside is the manager is a jerk. If a group of four of you come in and three order drinks but the other one has a Tims he will come over and tell that person to leave or insist they order something. Worse he will order one of the baristas to do his dirty work for him. It's like he doesn't understand this is a space for students. Luckily he isn't around often so I've only seen him do that a few times.

  • Jason Doell

    Jason Doell


    Great staff, good coffee and food. It is very popular during the school year but the staff are very friendly and Matt's muffins are delicious.

  • en

    Figs and Pigs


    Nice bright coffee shop with local espresso and drip coffee, good vegan and veggie options too.

Café la plus proche

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