CIBC Branch & ATM de Vancouver

CanadaCIBC Branch & ATM



🕗 horaire

538, West Broadway, V5Z 1E9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-665-2991
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2630433, Longitude: -123.116374

commentaires 5

  • en

    Juliana Vandergugten


    The tellers are okay. The investment advisor seemed good. Changing accounts however was difficult as the advisor seemed confused about the bank policies. This was a Chinese woman whose name I forgot.

  • en

    Nelson Cavanough


    It took over 30 minutes for the teller to resolve my issue. Customer service is unacceptable - especially given the fees CIBC charges! There were only two people serving when I walked in - most of the teller chairs were empty - even though it was the peak time. I conveyed my disappointment to the manager and all he could offer in return was weak excuses. You guys really need to pick up your act at this branch!

  • en

    Colin B


    Polite service, ready to help even though I was not a branch customer.

  • Jeni Bond

    Jeni Bond


    Really poor customer counter service, always long queues and a general atmosphere of confusion in there - head office needs to fund more tellers for this branch

  • en

    Richard Klassen


    wow they are offering all these cool perks for new peoples accounts yet wont offer the same deals to their faithful ones wjen asked im about ready to switch banks

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