TD Canada Trust de Vancouver

CanadaTD Canada Trust



🕗 horaire

1689, Manitoba Street, V5Y 0B8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-654-7133
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2705141, Longitude: -123.106888

commentaires 5

  • en

    amar dusanj


    I would recommend this bank. The staff at this bank have figured out the art of customer service.

  • Ekaterina Baker

    Ekaterina Baker


    I’ve been sending money to my parents for a while. Never had problems until I came to this branch. After wasting 30 min of my time they still couldn’t find wire information (which never happened in the last 3 Years). Very inexperienced employees and no supervision. Very bad experience

  • Mia C.

    Mia C.


    Nice location although parking can be an issue. Friendly staff always have cookies and coffee in the lobby.

  • Kristie Keeney

    Kristie Keeney


    Great bank and very good customer service, but communication between different branches of TD is atrocious. We moved and attempted to turn this into our home bank, but half the time they make us drive across town to complete paperwork at our old branch because they have such a hard time talking to each other. I cannot imagine what it would be like if we moved cities rather than across town.

  • Marie C Christianne Chiasson

    Marie C Christianne Chiasson


    You forget your in a bank . It's the Best TD bank I have ever used. I have been with your bank over 25 yrs. This One Bank is the example of how they should all be run.

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