Charley's Furniture de Ottawa

CanadaCharley's Furniture



🕗 horaire

89 A, Montreal Road, K1L 6E8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-747-7373
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4340367, Longitude: -75.6671662

commentaires 4

  • wanderborn



    very rude owners and staff

  • en

    Rafael Ottawa


    Good quality furniture. Best prices I found.

  • The Survivor

    The Survivor


    They are thieves

  • Stéphanie Lemieux

    Stéphanie Lemieux


    Charley's furniture was a total disaster. My best friend bought a bedroom set and things got there scratched and broken. One piece of furniture was missing. When asking questions to the owner and his daughter, communication was impossible. They were arrogant, not listening and not wanting to help or even explain. The daughter hung up on my friend. They even broke the door when delivering and did not pay for the repair. The issues are not over and unfortunately, I have a feeling that it will be a long fight. My recommendation: don't even walk in that store.

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