Palace Furniture Gallery Inc de Ottawa

CanadaPalace Furniture Gallery Inc



🕗 horaire

401 Coventry Rd, K1K 2C5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-746-9900
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4220115, Longitude: -75.6477819

commentaires 5

  • en

    Laurie Rennick


    For those eccentric, Stately taste with a large home. Many styles. Staff was not pushy and let you have your space. Definitely forever furniture. A must see when you are doing some serious purchasing. It's not Ikea folks.

  • dilip m

    dilip m


    Costly. But owner claims they sell wooden furniture and not those cheap ones like in leons and ikea. Good variety available. Ideal for furnishing your new home. The bed and furniture are heavy and looks solid.

  • en



    Fantastic customer service from the Ram, the owner and his daughter Mega. They gave us a great deal on solid maple dresser. Delivery crew were quick and efficient. The other sale people's customer service skills could use a little work though.

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    We ordered 8 dinning room chairs and because they were out of stock the owner offered us better chairs at cost. We did check the models on the internet and we ended up paying half price. The place is filled with beautiful original furniture, in fact it really does look like a Furniture Palace.

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    Ali Samhat


    Worst customer service ever. When asking for the approximate price, I wasn’t told the price and was told to go ask my father and then come back in a very rude way. Horrible person and won’t be going back forsure. Learn to respect your customers.

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