Pot & Pantry de Ottawa

CanadaPot & Pantry



🕗 horaire

244, Elgin Street, K2P 1L9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-565-1212
site web: www.potandpantry.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.418373, Longitude: -75.6909919

commentaires 5

  • Molly van der Schee

    Molly van der Schee


    Honestly? One of the best kitchen shops around. Curated with class, style and essentials! Shop here and you won't be disappointed!

  • 00bikeboy



    Dropped in on a whim the other day. A very nice, bright store full of cool kitchen essentials and gadgets. The friendly and knowledgeable owner was the icing on the cake.

  • Kaytlyn Giaccone

    Kaytlyn Giaccone


    Great addition to the neighbourhood! Robin is always super friendly, eager to help and has unending patience when I'm indecisive (ie: always). I recommend this shop to any/everyone. Unique items, fair prices, and fantastic service.

  • Maxine Lortie

    Maxine Lortie


    Amazing Shop on Elgin. The shop owner is always smiling and happy to help with what ever kitchen questions you have. You'll find amazing and fun kitchen accessories for all your needs!

  • J Lee

    J Lee


    Great little local shop with kitchen accessories. The prices of the things I bought were pretty comparable to other places and online.

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