Canada Post de Saskatoon

CanadaCanada Post



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309, 4th Avenue North, S7K 1N0, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.131732, Longitude: -106.658849

commentaires 5

  • Jeremy Johnson

    Jeremy Johnson


    Staff friendliness is somewhat lacking

  • Hadlen



    Great experience every time!

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    Joey Carlson


    I live in melfort. I've order alot of parcels in the past four months. It ships fast from the states and across Canada. Then as soon it gets to saskatoon it's dead. I've waited up to a week for parcels to be delivered from saskatoon office. It should not take a week or more to deliver parcels and letters from saskatoon and or even regina. I've had letters come from regina that are post marked on the 15th I get them in on the 28th which is ridiculous. Ti be honest anyone who wants higher wages better work for said wages eh. Instead of slacking off especially canada post. Oh and one more thank you canada post for opening parcels and letters sent to me. I feel violated the cbsa scans and xray when my parcels come from the states there is no need for sask postal office to open and tamper with my letters and parcels. I've had to order another vehicle part cause of sask postal office damaging it.

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    Tayler Carter


    Very unhelpful unreliable company with less than happy workers. My mailman, will terrorize my dog daily. He has frozen water bottles and thrown them at my dog. He will also go just out of my dogs reach and tease and mock him beyond belief. I've tried calling the head post office 3 times today and everyday last week to make a complaint about the abuse that my dogs gone through and no ones cared enough to awnser.

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    Nicole Erickson


    Friendly staff. Helpful

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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