Canada Post de Saskatoon

CanadaCanada Post



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2105, 8 Street East, S7H 0V0, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1153, Longitude: -106.62551

commentaires 5

  • en

    Paul Cutting


    Shouldn’t even receive 1 star, EXTREMELY rude women who I had the unfortunate pleasure to deal with! I’ve Never been spoken to and treated in such a disgusting manner!! After Canada post had rang them to say I would be in on a certain day and time to collect my parcel they both refused my Driving license id (which was perfectly fine to use), then told me to get a “government issued id” from my vehicle which I did and STILL REFUSED to hand over my parcel!! She told me when Canada post rang her she was and I quote “disgusted about the parcel having to be delivered to her post office, she wasn’t happy”. After pushing me to far I lost my temper with her and was told that it wasn’t appreciated!! The other troll who worked there was also beyond rude, couldn’t understand a word I said because “I wasn’t Canadian” (I’m English and from the UK, you can’t speak more fluent English than us Brits!) We live 2 hours outside of Saskatoon and by the time I would be able to return the following week they would’ve sent my parcel back to the USA because it would’ve exceeded the 5 days at the post office!! The guy in front of me seemed to have had his parcel go missing and they couldn’t of gave a flying F***!! - Long story short, I stood my ground with these rude individuals and finally walked away with my parcel. Management should 100% get involved with these women, no way should they be dealing with the general public!!

  • en

    Josie J


    very rude ladies that work at this location. maybe they should try serving customers with even a “hello”

  • en

    Misil Jeong


    Nothing to say but be prepared to wait long long .... time

  • jackie regnier

    jackie regnier


    The ladies always take such good care of me: service with a smile!!

  • g00gle minus

    g00gle minus


    Wait times can be long as there is only ever a maximum of two staff working the counter at any one time. If you go there at peak times the line up can be long. Also, this Canada Post is NOT a separate mall suite, it's just a branch office in a little corner of the drug store; the post office staff are actually Shoppers Drug Mart employees. That said, these guys have always been able to provide me with the services I require.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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