Brownloaf Bakery i Ottawa

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CanadaBrownloaf Bakery



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268, Elgin Street, K2P 1M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-236-3255
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4176205, Longitude: -75.690301

kommentar 5

  • alison lacasse

    alison lacasse


    Great cookies and hot cross buns fresh out of the oven! The man that served us was extremely kind.

  • jeffery hsiung

    jeffery hsiung


    Great place they have all kinds of tasty stuff, would recommend the blueberry pie and the lemon meringue pie.

  • en

    Miya Ismayilova


    The best bakery hands down! The man working there was the sweetest, and the pastries were phenomenal! I was shocked at how reasonably priced everything was considering the quality of the food. I would definitely recommend this bakery!

  • Sarah Elizabeth

    Sarah Elizabeth


    I go to this bakery often, and never leave disappointed. There are other bakeries around, but this place has a lot of character, with the owner being very friendly and always trying to get you exactly what you want when you walk in. I live very close and went to grab a baguette for New years last night as a last minute snack. When I went in he'd sold out, but said he'll throw some in and to come back in 40 minutes, I do so and he had a fresh baguette set aside waiting for me. The quality is also fantastic, reminds me of the homemade bread I used to enjoy back home.

  • Bibek Shrestha

    Bibek Shrestha


    The BEST bakery in Ottawa. Me and my girlfriend have our morning ritual to grab fresh bread every Saturday. The baker is very friendly and his 🍞 even delicious. Highly recommended.

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