Ichiban Bakery i Ottawa

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CanadaIchiban Bakery



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825, Bank Street, K1S 3V9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-680-0999
internet side: www.ichiban-bakery.com
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Latitude: 45.402207, Longitude: -75.687772

kommentar 5

  • Minh-Tue Nguyen

    Minh-Tue Nguyen


    Awesome spot to get yummy little pastries. The owner is very kind and helpful and humble. They are a small little spot but hopefully will expand tenfold and take over the world. It's all sunshine and rainbows at Ichiban. Highly recommend their almond croissant and green tea pastry.

  • en

    Ottawa Man


    OMG wonderful bakery where you find a wide variety of freshly baked wonders waiting to melt in your mouth that is allready filled with saliva that drips from its side. No place to sit and a Little bit pricy but you get what you pay for.

  • en

    Ben He


    Famous by the Japanese style steam cheese bun. Tastes like light cheese cake.

  • J Agapitos

    J Agapitos


    Very fresh and very delicious! Great service! Would recommend to everyone!

  • en

    Mohammad Mahdi


    Never been much into pastries. Spent my life thinking that what tim Hortons and the grocery stores sold were legitimate pastries. i went to this place by pure coincidence, it's very low profile on the outside but when you walk in... the delicious smell hits you right away. To date i have tried three items off their menu, their croissant, their Danish and their chocolate croissant. Out of the three my least favorite was the chocolate croissant, not to say that it wasn't delicious, but their croissant and Danish taste like perfection. When you watch a movie, and they bite into a perfect croissant, this is the croissant that you're saying. Perfectly crisp on the outside, very fluffy and light on the inside. The Danish centre is succulent, and the pastry is very crispy. i highly recommend this place and will keep going back, give it a try, you will not be disappointed!

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