Marble Slab Creamery i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMarble Slab Creamery



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773, Bank Street, K1S 3V5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-421-6690
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.403657, Longitude: -75.688526

kommentar 5

  • Albert Li

    Albert Li


    The hours online are not the same as what the actual hours are. They close at nine most nights. Not 10. Very upset to have driven there for a birthday treat and not able to get one!

  • Makeda M

    Makeda M


    Great service. I needed to swap my mixins and the employee didn't mind remaking my order.

  • Matthew Hall

    Matthew Hall


    I ordered a birthday ice cream cake from here. The ice cream was good itself. However, when I showed up to pick up my order, the one person working had to decorate it because whoever made it, hadn't done so. Also, when she came out and gave me the cake it didn't look like the picture (which was covered in candy). I was told it was mixed in with the cake so I took it anyway, only to find there wasn't really much of anything mixed into it.

  • ryanandkatie



    Priced right. Good ice cream.

  • Meaghan Piccolo

    Meaghan Piccolo


    The ice cream is good, but the customer service is terrible. I always feel like I'm being a bother while I'm in there, and like I have no time to pick toppings or anything because it's annoying to the person behind the counter. Their prices are also too high, especially for waffle cones. It's really too bad because building your own ice cream is quite fun.

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