Blue Sky Clothing: Victoria de Victoria

CanadaBlue Sky Clothing: Victoria



🕗 horaire

1316, Government Street, V8W 1Y8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 778-746-1760
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.427123, Longitude: -123.367495

commentaires 5

  • en



    Found two great tank tops at 50% off!!

  • en

    Helene Walker


    I love their clothes because they are colourful, comfortable and fair trade. This is a company on an ethical path where I feel really good about buying their clothes.

  • Barbara Lee

    Barbara Lee


    As a large woman, after 4 decades of poor quality and sub-standard fabrics lackluster clothing, this shop is truly a miracle find. Colour, quality, fit, it is all there and the service is excellent. For the first time in ages, I admired "pretty" in flattering clothes, not just looking at how poorly they fit my body. Life long fan here! This company can tick off all those good boxes for being great planetary citizens. A win all around.

  • en

    Lauree Austin


    Great fabrics and helpful staff. My bamboo & cotton fleece leggings and merino wool & bamboo hoodie are so cozy!

  • en

    Dani Gordon


    Supreme customer service! Quality fabrics and fabulous designs.

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