Olde Towne Shoe Repair de Victoria

CanadaOlde Towne Shoe Repair



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605, Johnson Street, V8W 1M5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-386-8333
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4273015, Longitude: -123.3669309

commentaires 5

  • en

    Stephanie Franken


    Popped in this morning because I was visiting from out of town and my purse strap broke on the plane. So kind and had me right as rain in a jiffy.

  • Athanasia Siorai

    Athanasia Siorai


    I've been going to him since I was 18. He used to be able to mend most ANYTHING, not just shoes. He used to mend my leather bags etc but he is just so busy now that he refers people to Vlad's on Johnson. Yes, his wait times are a bit crazy and yes he's very old school (ie, doesn't answer the phone etc) but he is the best cobbler I've ever been to. His prices are fair and he is VERY honest as to what can/can't be done! If you need items repaired, bring them in the off season. Ie, boots in summer, sandals in winter etc His wait times are often months long but it's worth it. I will be so sad when he retires. I wish he had an apprentice. The work he does is a lost art!

  • en

    Ryan Wallace


    Came in needing a sole repair, did a great job in a few minutes for an extremely reasonable price. Great business!

  • Carlos



    I’m glad I have discovered them! No more dealing with the arrogant and rude old lady (time to retire) behind the counter at the overrated but rip-off Stevenson’s

  • Breanna Carey

    Breanna Carey


    My boyfriend took a pair of 2 year old braided leather boots that had stitching coming apart at the sole in to Old Towne for me. The owner is super nice and estimated a 3 week wait as he was quite busy. When the boots were ready they were returned to me in as good as new condition. Great little shop!

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