Roberta's Hats de Victoria

CanadaRoberta's Hats



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1318, Government Street, V8W 1Y8, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-384-2778
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4271792, Longitude: -123.3674864

commentaires 5

  • en

    Regan T. Cameron


    The straw hats I bought both shrunk in the humidity on Gozo but I'm quite confident they'll stretch them out again for me. Lovely helpful FUN staff. And I FINALLY found hats BIG enough for my head. ABSOLUTE TOP recommend You'll be delighted you stopped by. Great styles and lots of variety. This is THE place to go when you want a hat. Or just to browse and find a hat you didn't know you NEEDED. I LOVE this quirky little store.

  • en

    Perry Lewis


    This place has every hat that you thought went out of style. Love this place and the staff is awesome.

  • Jennie Marshall

    Jennie Marshall


    Awesome shop. Friendly service. Colourful array of neat hats. Panache plus.

  • en

    Sohn Lewis


    You looking for a hat that you thought was out of style....they have it here ..Love This Place. And the staff is wonderful. I would go to Victoria BC just to shop there.

  • Ryan



    Did not purchase anything because I wear hats out of necessity but the woman who helped me was great: nice, knowledgeable, and honest. Wonderful selection as well, not just hats.

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