Beach Rags Swimwear de Victoria

CanadaBeach Rags Swimwear



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#105-1483 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8W 3K4, CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 250-381-5858
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4275153, Longitude: -123.364293

commentaires 3

  • Katherine Murray

    Katherine Murray


    The owner really knows her stuff. I hate buying bathing suits but she actually made it a fairly painless experience by knowing my size and what style would be best. Highly recommend this store.

  • Kathleen Meadows

    Kathleen Meadows


    Best shop in Victoria to buy a bathing suit! Very helpful with fitting and sold me 2 suits I love!

  • en

    Laska Freeman


    A great Local Shop in the heart of Victoria, BC. Beach Rags specialize in personal and custom swimwear fittings in a safe and comfort environment. These ladies are professional and they make you feel comfortable with swimsuit shopping. Lots of styles, name brands and colours to choose. If you are thinking about a Swimsuit that works for your Body style and your personal style - check out Beach Rags on Douglas Street across from City Hall.

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