Winners i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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225, Marché Way, K1S 3W7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-569-6677
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4000094, Longitude: -75.6851524

kommentar 5

  • Chris Kassotis

    Chris Kassotis


    I love Winners. It's a different store each time we go.

  • en

    Devorah Friedman


    Good place to find bargains if you know your prices.

  • Sergio Louis

    Sergio Louis


    Typical Winners store, except this one is in the coolest neighborhood in Ottawa and it's up on a second floor. I don't typically find anything that fits me here, but my gf loves it, and finds a lot of good deals. I've actually made some great bar soap purchases at this store. Definitely worth a visit.

  • en

    leo tolstoyed


    Staff avoids eye contact at all costs. One associate ran away from me when I asked her if she had am item in the back, then a manager came out and told me that they're "not that kind of store." I don't think of myself, a middle-aged mother of five, a scary person, so I'm not sure why this girl actually ran. When I finally found an item I liked, there was no marked price. I asked the cashier at check out and she called for a price check. It took what felt like HOURS. They said they couldn't find anything similar, and when estimated the price excessively high. Weirded out and unhappy customer here.

  • Iman Bahreini

    Iman Bahreini


    You can find cloths with reasonable price and a good quality. Staff are nice and helpful. Return is easy.

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