Walmart East Hull Supercentre i Gatineau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWalmart East Hull Supercentre



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425, Boulevard Saint-Joseph, J8Y 3Z9, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-920-2000
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4449164, Longitude: -75.7338988

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eric Simpson


    I work beside there and the parking attendant that comes by from time to time likes to yell and belittle people. Also picks on Ontario drivers where the Quebec drivers that park there don't get in trouble. After he yelled and insulted me; I will not be returning to purchase any groceries from this location. I will be bringing my business elsewhere and spread the word on this terrible attendant.

  • en

    Erika Ariza


    The people are friendly, big parking lot, good price, good service, good quality. They respect and love for kids.

  • Lotus On The Hill

    Lotus On The Hill


    Its a Walmart. What else can you say. Don't count on finding any employee assistance except in the electronics department where they continually eyeball you in case you want to steal a Sega game. It's best asset is that it has two distinct and different entrances, one from the adjoining mall and another from the outside parking lot.

  • Greg Turriff

    Greg Turriff


    Absolutely no maintenance outside the building. Snow had not been removed so parking lot and sidewalks were very slushy and difficult to push shipping carts through. Very dangerous.

  • I VA

    I VA


    Great Walmart. Lots of parking, but parking in front of store is always an adventure and not always safe for your paintjob. Parking at the side of the Walmart is a longer walk, but much easier and safer for your car. This Walmart has different products than the one located in the Plateau. I think it is slightly bigger too.

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