Walmart Ottawa Supercentre i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWalmart Ottawa Supercentre



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2277, Riverside Drive, K1H 7X6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-737-6897
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.3853978, Longitude: -75.6795626

kommentar 5

  • Nancy Syre

    Nancy Syre


    I shop here often only because it is near my work however i find their customer service staff rude and personally should learn how to deal with customers. There is one cashier that is great (friendly & helpful) but there are many that look lke they don't want to be there.

  • Yanika



    Good Wal-Mart. They have everything and its clean and well kept. Good luck finding employees but who really needs them in a Wal-Mart lol

  • en

    Luke Connolly


    Well organized but a bit small. It's kept very clean and the employees seem very attentive. There's also a food court nearby. Thumbs up!

  • Alexei Gherman

    Alexei Gherman


    This is a smaller Walmart connected to Billings Bridge. It has competitive prices and free parking. In my experience sometimes stock can be an issue but not for long. It is definitely cleaner then other walmart locations and the staff are friendly most of the time.

  • Jessica Erhardt

    Jessica Erhardt


    Well staffed! When my partner and I go here we are always so happy with the staff. I have never been in a Walmart before where if you ask for help no matter how big or small, they do it with a smile. This is not the closest Walmart to us, but if we need more than one item and we have the time, this is the Walmart that we go to. The staff alone are what makes it a good store!

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