Value Village i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaValue Village



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1810, Store Street, V8T 4R4, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-380-9422
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4305666, Longitude: -123.3703246

kommentar 5

  • Esme Clarke

    Esme Clarke


    I have found some of the best deals at value village. Staff are pleasant. Discount for bringing in items for drop off. Just be alert when checking out. Sometimes the full discount awarded doesn't get deducted from purchases. Its still an amazing deal, with or without drop off discount, so I don't complain

  • howiewonder



    Great selection, love going thrifting here. Prices are pretty high for a thrift store. I go here quite often and am still always seeing new stuff.

  • en

    Jess Ingram


    Almost every article of clothing I looked at today had a nasty stain or a rip. I left the shoe department needing a shower... I also witnessed another shopped get some kind of debris in their eye... They asked the nearest employee for help. The employee told the lady in need of first aid that they do no have any eyewash stations in the store and there was nothing he could do for her. I nearly purchased a dress and whole standing at the cash discovered a blood stain. The Walmart brand blood stained dress was priced at almost $20..... Is this some kind of joke? Never going back.

  • atis metuzals

    atis metuzals


    This massive used merchandise outlet is stacked to the ceiling with all types of used goods, especially clothing. Prices are a little high for used clothing but the place seems to be very busy with pickers and the lineups at the cashiers are never ending. You can spend a lot of time here looking for the odd "gem" because there are tons of miscellaneous items available. Staff I found very not very helpful or super friendly. Plenty of parking available and it is situated in a good location in town.

  • ken rosadiuk

    ken rosadiuk


    This is the Best Value Village I've ever been in. The place is enormous. If they don't have it you don't need it. they have all sorts of clothing and housewares and everything in between. All sorts of weirdos hang out in the place as well and you can often do some good people watching. It's usually pretty dusty if you're looking through the clothes. A few times a year they have 50% off sales including back to school and Black Friday and one in March. They accept donations and parking is free on the street in front of it.

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