Legends Comics & Books i Victoria

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CanadaLegends Comics & Books



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633, Johnson Street, V8W 1M7, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-388-3696
internet side: legendscomics.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.4271878, Longitude: -123.3657201

kommentar 5

  • T. P.

    T. P.


    I don't really write online reviews on here but I felt compelled because of my experience. Just over a year ago, I came in to buy some comics for my dad, he was given a terminal cancer diagnosis and I was reaching to find something for him to do that would bring him joy while bed-ridden. He used to really like Classics Illustrated and Combat comics so I went around to a few shops and Legends were the only one who had any in stock. So I bought him a pile of comics plus some Jugheads. I didn't volunteer this information for pity but it came out and Gareth was incredibly kind and helpful and offered to raise a glass to my dad. My dad passed away a few weeks after so I sat on this collection of comics that he had enjoyed and eventually, a year after his passing, decided to bring them back to the store. Gareth was extremely nice in allowing us some store credit to exchange it all for a graphic novel, and again asked my dad's name and promised to raise his glass. I can't begin to describe the immediate compassion that was shown to me and I am very eager to share my positive experience, I hope people can continue to support this business. I'm more of a dabbler than a regular but I know where my first stop will be for any future needs.

  • en

    Lee Maddix


    Easily the best comic shop I've ever been to.

  • Justin Harford

    Justin Harford


    Such a great selection. I was trying to find something different and was the lady working behind the counter suggested Wytches. It was exactly what I wanted to read. I'll make sure I come back!

  • Chelsea Power

    Chelsea Power


    Locally owned by a fantastic artist. Abundant selection of comics and graphic novels. If you are following a series you can get a box and they will collect each new comic for you when they come out and you can pick them up when you next come in. Additionally if you are interested in rare and/or collectible comics speak to the owner for tucked away selection.

  • Blake McStravick

    Blake McStravick


    Absolutely the best comic shop in town. The other places sell comics as a side business, but Legend's live and breathe them. Gareth is always willing to help out with a recommendation based on your tastes. I just love this place.

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