Avalon Books Metaphysical i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaAvalon Books Metaphysical



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560, Johnson Street, V8W 3C6, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-380-1721
internet side: rwglobal.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.4278536, Longitude: -123.368874

kommentar 5

  • Debra Thomlinson

    Debra Thomlinson


    An enchanting little gem of a store filled with treasures. Fantastic palm/tarot reader, books, jewelry, crystals, incense, spiritual gifts with amazing prices.

  • Kathleen Meadows

    Kathleen Meadows


    Great place to buy gifts for self and loved ones. Great location and friendly, helpful staff.

  • en

    Krista Eglin


    Product is decent but the staff member consistently makes me uncomfortable. She has been rude to me on more than one occasion. I will stop in to purchase if I can't find what I'm looking for else where but it is my last resort

  • Jennifer Rollins

    Jennifer Rollins


    Great store with an amazing staff. Picked up some gorgeous jewelry and had a fantastic reading. Worth checking out for sure.

  • Lee Hindrichs

    Lee Hindrichs


    Horrid experience. I'd spent some time browsing and nothing really spoke to me...which is totally ok. What wasn't ok is the shop clerk who began screaming at me because I didn't buy anything. That was the only reason, I'd been browsing for out 10 minutes, asked a few questions but nothing resonated with me. She began swearing at me, calling me foul names and continued screaming at me as I walked into the Market Square. I don't know who the owner is but your clerk needs emotional help.

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