Trudel Home Hardware - Ottawa i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaTrudel Home Hardware - Ottawa



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140, George Street, K1N 5W4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-5601
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4279524, Longitude: -75.6892373

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ryan Brown


    The Purolator store at this home hardware failed to hold my package after I had called and specifically asked them to hold it so I could pick it up on the weekend. They did not hold the package and it was sent back to the shipper. As a result, I will run out of my medication and will not have any for at least a day. Terrible incompetence. 0/0 stars. And Purolator is extra garbage for not having a location in the downtown for pickups.

  • Aaron Dahl

    Aaron Dahl


    Change your store hours so people don't walk for 20 minutes in freezing rain to get there only to find out you have separate winter hours that aren't reflected online.

  • en

    Serge F.


    Very helpful staff. Good prices.

  • Emily Paul

    Emily Paul


    Great one on one service. Andy was super helpful. Great place

  • Kevin Hatt

    Kevin Hatt


    I find the staff are knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. the store is packed with treasures like the hardware stores from days of old. I feel like I can find anything there. I go there whenever I need to find something for the home.

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