Morris Home Hardware i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMorris Home Hardware



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1226, Wellington Street West, K1Y 3A1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-728-0188
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Latitude: 45.3996971, Longitude: -75.7313985

kommentar 5

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    Dev Vasile


    Well... we went today to pick up a package. The package was at the Fed Ex Pickup place in the back. Turns out you need something with your address to pick up with Fed Ex even though over the phone she said I just needed to bring something with my name ( but whatever that’s not even the issue here) . I just moved so I don’t have that on anything anymore. I told the woman that and she rolled her eyes at me and said “ take it up with Fed ex” in the rudest tone and was clearly not ready to help me in any way. I was already pissed off for having such bad customer service so I then went and got my boyfriend who has our old address on his old drivers license. He came in and was pissed that this woman was super rude to me in the first place and the men who work at the store followed him out and told him not to be so “agressive” meanwhile he had said literally nothing except “we’re getting this package today” to the rude person who served me. They then came back to the back of the store while he went to get his card in the car that he thought was in his wallet and started laughing and gossiping about me and my boyfriend.. while I was right around the corner... then when my boyfriend got back the old man who works there went “ shh” to stop the immature gossip even though I heard the whole thing. A bunch of immature people work here and honestly I was about to go buy a bunch of stuff for my new place there since it’s in the area but I won’t be back. Super rude, super immature and really just embarrassing customer service. I will be telling my family and friends in the area to avoid this place. You would think that a family owned business would conduct better customer service and hire people who aren’t rude. Sorry guys. You lost a customer.

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    carol van rijn


    Great customer service, always helpful, usually have what I need, fair prices.

  • Jenne Bauer

    Jenne Bauer


    Everything you need you can find it here! Super friendly staff that are just waiting to assist you in any way possible.

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    Dawn Mirsky


    I had an absolutely fabulous experience at Morris Home Hardware. I was there on a Saturday at about 11:00 a.m. to ship something via FedEx. I was unable to prepare any of the documents (shipping and customs) beforehand—I simply came with the item being shipped and the information that I needed from the recipient. All the forms had to be filled out, the item had to be weighed and measured, etc. The store was packed with shoppers and I was the store’s worst nightmare—completely unprepared. As soon as I walked up to the register I was greeted by Logan, who asked me if I needed the item that I was holding shipped. I won’t go into the details of all the things that Logan explained, did, and helped me with. Suffice to say that within 15 minutes I was out the door—my package had been processed. Like I said, the store was packed with shoppers. Logan, however, made me feel like I was the most important person in the store. And I wasn’t even buying anything! I was just shipping a package. While he went to make a copy of my receipt, I had the opportunity to look around at the abundance of items that they stock, though—amazing Paderno kitchen inventory among so many other things! I’ll be back as a shopper, that’s for sure. To the owner(s) of Morris Home Hardware: Thank you. You’ve got a gem (Logan) working for you. Thank you again, Logan.

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    Lionel Drouin


    I have read some of the reviews on racism and would like to weight in on this point if I may. I may be an english speaking person with a french name but I am a status Indigenous person. I have worked at Sharky's as a Scuba Instructor for over a year and have never been subject to any issues of racism and discrimination in that time. In my day to day career, I am an advocate for Indigenous Inclusion and Mike has had several very meaningful discussions with me trying to get and understand the other perspectives involved. He has shown genuine concern and interest and is receptive to possible paradigm shifts from the mainstream stories told. I have great respect for Mike as a result of both personal and professional interactions. In my dealings with him as one of his Instructors, he has always been helpful and supportive of his students and staff maintaining a focus on safety and customer service. On a personal level, I have been impressed with his ability have an open mind to different perspectives in the search to find harmony of views.

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