Preston Hardware i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPreston Hardware



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248 Preston Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 7R4, Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-230-7166
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4049633, Longitude: -75.7122894

kommentar 5

  • David Lewis

    David Lewis


    Helpful staff. Found what we needed. Out. Perfect

  • en



    Outside frost free water valve leaking from vent port, all the big box stores and plumbing suppliers were no help. All informed me the entire valve had to be replaced (hire a plumber), their excuses and reasons made no sense. A call to Preston hardware, I was told simply bring the part of the valve so as to match with replacement. Drove to Preston Hardware picked up the part less the $5.00 once back home, simply threaded the replacement part in and all is fine, no plumber needed. Preston Hardware may require to drive downtown but the staff , knowledge and product is far superior to all others.

  • Marshall Hillyer

    Marshall Hillyer


    Ottawa's premier hardware store. A little pricier than your big box store, but the service and selection is unbeatable. Best place for masonry supplies.

  • en

    Peter Comeau


    Great store. In renovation mode. Very helpful staff, particularly Joe.

  • Hillary Robert

    Hillary Robert


    Wish I remembered the girl's name who helped me out but she was a life saver! Needed a specific white paint to match my wall and she got it done. After going to a few home depot stores and trying different shades, was convinced I'd have to do the whole wall but decided to try one last place before giving up. She managed to match the colour almost perfectly with the smallest sample. Don't bother with home depot or big stores, this is the place to go for people who know paint.

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