Starbucks i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-673-6559
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.4671923, Longitude: -80.9756348

kommentar 5

  • en

    Caio Licciardi


    Staff are friendly and try their best, but they never understand my order! I have been there about 10 times, out of which in 5 I got the wrong thing. Today was a chocolate croissant instead of the cheddar croissant I ordered. Yesterday was a chocolate chip frappuccino instead of my java chip frappuccino. All in all these are similar words, so that must mean the acoustics behind the counter must be really bad! They do make great frappuccinos though, better than other locations.

  • en

    Abby Wilton


    The worst Starbucks I have ever been too. You have to tell the baristas to write down your order or they will try to avoid it, which leaves room for mistakes. I always ask for no foam and the drink I receive is half empty, with a thick layer of foam. The other half of the time the drink is completely wrong. Some of the baristas don't even know the menu. They need corporate training immediately!!

  • en

    Rachel Fraser


    Very good Starbucks. Clean, wide open space. The two large couches are always free when we go. And the baristas are very nice too.

  • Chelsea Rioux

    Chelsea Rioux


    Good customer service!

  • L Johnston

    L Johnston


    New Sudbury Chapters/bucks too far. LU is great.

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