Teaze Hair Studio and Spa i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaTeaze Hair Studio and Spa



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152, MacLaren Street, K2P 0K9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-237-1259
internet side: teazehairandspa.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.417573, Longitude: -75.6886144

kommentar 5

  • Krista Ranacher

    Krista Ranacher


    An old family favorite. Comfortable atmosphere. Accommodating and professional service.

  • Alice Williams

    Alice Williams


    Amazing spa and great friendly staff. They have parking which is great for a downtowb location.

  • Stephane Pratte

    Stephane Pratte


    Teaze is a great Salon and Spa, the staff is super friendly and helpful. Highly recommended for all your beauty needs.

  • Chandan Brar, DC

    Chandan Brar, DC


    Natalie Dupuis is absolutely awesome. She's great at what she does because she's passionate about service. Don't ever see anyone in any profession who'd rather be doing something else. I know several of my patients that see Natalie and have nothing but glowing reviews!!

  • en

    Christina Deaville


    I have gone here for an up-do, a manicure, and eye-lash tinting. The staff is amazing! (I had Anna for hair and her sister for aesthetics) I am always amazed with the quality of their work--they pay so much attention to detail and are lovely people to chat with. I highly recommend this place for any of your beauty needs!

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