Perfection Hair Design & Spa i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPerfection Hair Design & Spa



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259, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5J9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-594-4801
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Latitude: 45.4193401, Longitude: -75.6974096

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fletcher Courage


    I have been been going to Ziad for a decade or so now and his cuts are always excellent.

  • Leah Leduc

    Leah Leduc


    I have been going to Perfection since I was a child! My mother, for over 10 years has been bringing me along to see Ziad and now, the idea of getting my hair cut at any other hairdresser is something I can't even imagine! Between the adventures of my surprise hair streak at 9 year old and the 14 inch hair cut for donation, Ziad has been through it all with my hairstyles. Never once have I been disappointed by a cut. Never once have I felt unwelcomed by Ziad or his employees (Despite my super last minute calls "HEY ZIAD, I NEED MY HAIR CUT ASAP" ) Not once have I thought about seeing another hair dresser. Between the happiness of the clients I see leave the store and the kindness the employees and Ziad show, even during the busiest times I wouldn't want to go elsewhere. I would recommend Ziad and Perfection Hair Design and Spa to every friend, family member and stranger who wants a PERFECT hair cut. Thanks for years of fantastic cuts, Ziad!

  • en

    Kristin Lo


    I have been going to Ziad for years and so far he is the only one who cuts my hair well. He is also able to fix poor haircuts. Worth every penny!

  • J-P Pellerin

    J-P Pellerin


    Can't say much about the extended offerings, but for a male haircut, go see Ziad. Good every time!

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    I have been a customer for over 5 years and always had great experience (and superb cuts) here. Service is super friendly and professional, and Ziad is a great hairstylist, with an eye for detail. He spends a lot of time making sure every last hair is in its place, so the 'perfection' part of the name is completely true. Highly recommended!

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