Sobeys - Varsity Common i Saskatoon

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CanadaSobeys - Varsity Common



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1550, 8 Street East, S7H 0T3, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 306-477-5800
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.1141149, Longitude: -106.6319824

kommentar 5

  • Scotty Martens

    Scotty Martens


    First grocery store we go to, parking is never trouble, multiple entries in the lot is always nice...and the #1 place to shop for fresh sushi/soup from with multiple selection

  • Carma Daria Companiona

    Carma Daria Companiona


    This is a very nice looking store I just I like looking at the entire store there's lots of things to look ahead and lots of possibilities for food the one things that I don't like in the reason why I don't shop there is that the prices are very high I was looking at the prices of a number of items here and there and in some cases they were double actually double what I would pay at Superstore now some people prefer Sobeys because of the ambience because there are fewer people shopping there but I prefer to pay about half for my groceries and Shop in a place where there are lots of options for a groceries to buy however there are some really good sale items every once in awhile I have a friend who shops here regularly and he really likes the quality of food he finds here and the convenience of shopping here for some people really like shopping at Sobeys but I would not shop here because of the high prices

  • Brian Turner

    Brian Turner


    Great staff AND stock. Customer service staff is to be recognized for going above and beyond. Keep up the good work!

  • en

    Elizabeth R


    I buy quite a few groceries here. The selection is good. Sometimes the prices are a little high but their sales are good. I do find that by the end of the night the selection is not as good. The service is good

  • en

    Carina Godoy


    One of my favorite places to grocery shop. Since the renovations, it is much more welcoming and simply more enjoyable to shop at. I find the store has a great selection - I've yet not to find something i was after. And when they have their dollar days on, the deals around the store are fantastic! They have a large health conscious/organic section as well. They also sell infused oils!

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