Sobeys - College Park (Sask) i Saskatoon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSobeys - College Park (Sask)



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3907, 8 Street East, S7H 5M7, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 306-651-1800
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.115224, Longitude: -106.590618

kommentar 5

  • Scott Baumgartner

    Scott Baumgartner


    Staff were helpful and friendly early in the morning.

  • Greg Abramoff

    Greg Abramoff


    Good grocery store, not as updated as the other stores in Saskatoon. They have great produce and meat and a nice deli section. They also have flowers.

  • deonne bare

    deonne bare


    It was pretty good. I bought my stuff and it was nice. I love it there. 5/7 stars

  • D'Arcy Mann

    D'Arcy Mann


    Very friendly helpful staff but a lot of the equipment (freezer lights, automatic door opener, etc) doesn't work properly and prices change all the time. I never know if the regular price for a roasted chicken is going to be 9.99, 10.99, or 11.99... it depends who prices them that day

  • en

    Kyle Compton


    I worked here in the front end for two and a half years, all my managers were always super friendly and understanding. It never felt like they were bossing you around because of how they treated their staff. I know that it's a retail job so working with certain customers at times was extremely frustrating, the time spent with co-workers made up for it. While there were a lot of customers that would boss me around, leave carts in the middle of nowhere for me to collect, and get made while I was a cashier because it was slow even though I have no control over who phones in sick or is on break, there were many more customers that treated me with a friendly hello and would tell me about themselves. While I slowly grew to dislike going to work, I always put in 110%, well at times. I also know many of the managers put in countless hours every day in order to try and make the entire store better. So when you make a comment about the store as a whole, or had one bad experience just remember that there are individuals there who do work hard, and managers that eat sleep and breath Sobeys who are amazing at customer service.

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