Michael's Your Independent Grocer i Saskatoon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaMichael's Your Independent Grocer



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2815, Wanuskewin Road, S7K 8E6, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 306-249-9204
internet side: www.yourindependentgrocer.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.1744651, Longitude: -106.6410612

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brandon Golding


    Cheaper than Safeway, Sobeys, and Coop, but offers a lot of the same programs and customer service. I love the local companies and products throughout the store

  • Amy Fehr

    Amy Fehr


    Great store! Good deals and lots of fresh selection. Its one of my go to stores.

  • en

    Naomi W


    Pretty great for natural and organic food selection. As with all superstore locations you need to know your prices as the odd item is overpriced compared to (the usually more expensive) co-op or safeway. I really like the place since the renovations and rebranding from extra foods to Michaels independent grocers - there are more high quality and rare food items. Overall one of my preferred places when loading up on groceries but typically spend a little more here because of stocking up on organic oils and keto ingredients.

  • arvin Kirby

    arvin Kirby


    A little bit expensive compare to other grocery. Very clean. Staff is very friendly. Not bad over all

  • gayle penner

    gayle penner


    A great surprise! So much to chose from! Wide aisles and so clean. Great shopping experience!

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