Practicar Victoria Car Rentals i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPracticar Victoria Car Rentals



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743, View Street, V8W 1J9, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-380-7760
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4250277, Longitude: -123.3637881

kommentar 5

  • Zenia Platten

    Zenia Platten


    You get what you pay for and man was this a great bargain. They're the only car rental place I could find that would rent to people under 25. Car alarm kept going off, and it had a cassette player instead of CD or aux. Still, it got us where we needed to go with no break downs. When you show up to rent bring your patience. The lady is nice but not always there and a little scattered when she is.

  • Chloé Sudry-Le Dû

    Chloé Sudry-Le Dû


    Their cars are in pretty bad shape, and not well maintained!!! Plus, when you get into a car accident, the company does not call you back until the morning after - what a service! Especially when you had recommandations from local friends telling you this company was great! Use another rental company if around victoria!!!

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    Kat Kat


    We love Practicar Victoria and use it all the time. Tina is fabulous. The cars are affordable and she does her best to get us the one that meets our needs.

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    Leslie Lewington


    I use this company every time I fly into Victoria, or Nanaimo it is way cheaper than taking a car on the ferry, The staff are wonderful, and bend over backwards to make sure you get what you need,

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    Patrick Gleeson


    I made a reservation at this location two weeks ago, for a car for the week to go to a festival. When I arrived this morning they informed me that they just didn't have a car, no explanations, no attempt to contact me. The owner was very rude and not helpful at all, made no attempt to resolve the situation. I am insulted and abhorred with the manner in which I was treated by the staff and management. I implore you never to rent from such people, who clearly place no value, or respect, on their relationship with longtime customers. Because of this situation, I am out an extra $200 and a whole lot of patience. Again, they have no ability or desire to fulfill their obligations, even when a binding contract has been signed. Beware of this sad excuse for a business!

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