Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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2507, Government Street, V8T 4P6, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-475-6900
internet side: www.enterprise.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.436048, Longitude: -123.3668761

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lynne Tucker


    This is the most professional, efficient, pleasant car rent agency I have been too. Was surprised how helpful they were. Would highly recommend them. Manager ( don’t have his name) runs a well organized rental agency. All staff I dealt with were professional and helpful. I will definitely always use them in the future.

  • en

    Khaled Helal


    The best car rental ever. They are very professional. Even when the car I reserved wasn't available at the pickup, they gave a free upgrade to larger vehicle. And I didn't pay for the gas at the vehicle return. The car was clean and working perfectly.

  • Desiree T

    Desiree T


    Great service, husband and I have been coming here for years and never had a bad experience. Recently had to rent from them through my insurance company. Love that they pick you up to get your rental and take you home when dropping it off. I can rent a car with an N license!!! One of the best parts for me! I will never go to a different car rental other than Enterprise! Keep it up!! 👌Thanks Enterprise!!!

  • en

    Dan Duerden


    They have always gone out of their way to help our outdoor program and transportation for trips. They've been accommodating in booking, payments and in terms of vehicles. Greatly appreciated and highly recommend this specific Enterprise location! One of the best run car rentals I've ever used.

  • en

    Richard Randall


    There are many companies that will rent you a vehicle in town. There are few places that will make the experience memorable and a true pleasure! I cannot speak highly enough of the staff at Enterprise, they are pleasant, courteous, a true testament to what the commercials on tv depict! Of course they picked me up and dropped me off, but they did so much more...they cared about why I was using their services. They cared about my vehicle accident, and wanted to ensure I was happy and comfortable for the duration of my temporary rental, and even beyond, should I need their services again. When I left an important document behind after returning my car, the manager himself took the time to find the vehicle in his fleet, secure my document in his safe, and return it to me at MY convenience. That is service above and beyond. I will always choose, and always recommend Enterprise...sure they pick you up, they just don't mention that may also include picking up your spirits!

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