Island Rent-a-Car Victoria, B.C. Auto Rentals i Victoria

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CanadaIsland Rent-a-Car Victoria, B.C. Auto Rentals



🕗 åbningstider

480, Esquimalt Road, V9A 3L1, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-384-4881
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.4306426, Longitude: -123.386749

kommentar 5

  • en



    Easy to deal with, no hassle at all When a tire was getting flat I got a free replacement rental within minutes, will be back for my next rental!

  • Allan Nott: Google SEO Expert

    Allan Nott: Google SEO Expert


    Excellent car rental prices in Victoria, B.C. Jeve and Dar own this auto rental shop to rent cars, trucks, suvs and minivans. I've known them about 5 years and really respect their work ethic and positive personalities to do business with. They rent affordable automobiles by the day, week/end, monthly and bi-annually.

  • en

    Charley Simms


    I used them to rent a car for the first time today. They answered the phone promptly , a good price on the rental. Came and picked me up, short time on paperwork. Some of the nicest people I have ever dealt with.When I returned the car they were just as affable, great price, #1 place to deal with for a car rental. Top of my list for rentals, maybe buying and other services they offer and I never knew about. Thank you for your great service.

  • en

    Lloyd Houghton


    This place is great. Always flexible and accommodating. Been using them for 5 years and never been disappointed. Thanks Dar and Ranjeev

  • Blake Hooper

    Blake Hooper


    Came in last minute after Budget declined us for not having a credit card. They happily took a deposit and had us on our way at a VERY competitive rate. Car ran perfectly fine and on our return they offered us a courtesy lift back into town. I will now always lean towards the small rental companies for my car rental needs.

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