Gabriel Pizza i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaGabriel Pizza



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277, Bank Street, K2P 1X5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-319-7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4155654, Longitude: -75.6963047

kommentar 5

  • Biniam G Eyasu

    Biniam G Eyasu


    Recommended not to order fries and lasagna .... after waiting 1hr for delivery and from the store just about 2-2.5 km away from my work place, the fries is cold and soggy. The lasagna has not enough sauce.

  • en

    Kempanius Alaricus


    Fast friendly service. Quiet daytime breakfast

  • en

    Cal Cam


    Employee was on his cellphone when we arrived. We ordered a pizza for take out. He continued his conversation while making the pizza, alternating between manhandling his phone and manhandling our food. No gloves, just gross. We cancelled our order and walked out. Aside from the food safety aspects, which I mean, are obvious, why would he do this in plainview of the customers. Are Gabe's employees allowed to just talk on their phone at work? I'll be taking some time off from Gabe's. This was 4:00 pm on Dec 3rd.

  • Patrick Sinclair

    Patrick Sinclair


    It’s not hard to figure out why this place is always empty. Gabriel’s Pizza is good quality, but the service of their staff never fails to dissapoint. From rude interactions, to the ridiculous rule “no slices in the dining room” when your dining room is always empty. Do yourselves a favour and at least try to make it seem like people visit your restaurant. Sad.

  • Jeff Jedras

    Jeff Jedras


    Eat here fairly regularly. Philly sandwich is a favourite. Pizza is decent. Price is reasonable for a sitdown place. Service is friendly, but insufficient. There's usually only one person on duty who does her best, but often has too much volume to keep drinks refilled, etc.

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