Edoko Japanese Steak House i Ottawa

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CanadaEdoko Japanese Steak House



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64, Queen Street, K1P 5B4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-236-8885
internet side: www.edokosteakhouseottawa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4226021, Longitude: -75.6958515

kommentar 5

  • Taylor Upshaw

    Taylor Upshaw


    Food: good but sodium heavy. Personal: fantastic and entertaining Be prepared to spend

  • en

    Brenda Bayes


    My first time to do Japanese...awesome food ...over the top friendly staff..so sorry we are just visiting ..could make this a frequent visit...

  • Arthur Poon

    Arthur Poon


    The food was ok and no surprise. The portion of the good was bit small. A bit salty for my taste.

  • Brume Bekibele

    Brume Bekibele


    Had my brother inlaw and wife over for the weekend and decided to go there...the Asian server (with glasses) was outright rude and lacked public skills...as she served us like she was doing us a favour...the chef Eugene was great and he did well with the food and he was good company...it was way too expensive for the service we got...told the manager about the rude staff ..but his response was not very reassuring...not goin there ever and won't advice any1 to go there...unless maybe the server is fired...

  • LaurettaWen



    My first time to have some Japanese teppanyaki. It’s very interesting! But I told the guy we would like medium steak, finally it tasted fully cooked. But not bad anyway.

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